Description of Fire Door Excess Gap Seal
Kilargo KG4002 is an intumescent retro-fit seal for upgrading door perimeter gaps where the clearance exceeds the maximum 3mm specified by AS1905/1.
Great budget product to save on the expense of a fire door upgrade replacement.
Used to upgrade existing fire doors with up to and including 6mm perimeter gaps.
Key Features
- Can provide up to 2 hours fire resistance on proprietary fire doors.
- Non compliant fire doors can be salvaged.
- It can allow the use of a standard builders steel frame in lieu of the conventional 25mm stops with tested proprietary fire doors.
- Cost-effective solution.
- Easy retro-fit installation.
- Ideal for fire engineered solutions where extra protection is necessary for life safety.
Consists of a flame retardant PVC top hat section, encapsulating a high performance intumescent material and two rows of aggressive selfadhesive tape.
Gap Size
Up to and including 6mm perimeter gaps.
Dimensions: 38mm x 1.6mm
Length: 2100mm
Standard Colour: White, Silver, Dark Brown
Can be painted on-site
The KG4002 intumescent seal is simply applied to the top and sides of the door frame with two rows of aggressive self-adhesive tape. No screw fixing required.
Fire tested to AS/1530.4 for up to 2 hours on proprietary fire doors Complies with AS/1905.1
Kilargo KG4002 fitted to the perimeter of the door frame.
Note: Please check with our Technical Department or the Fire Door Manufacturer for relevant test approvals and suitability for door type.
Tech Data Sheet DownloadClick here to download our Kilgaro Fire Door Perimiter Gap Upgrade KG4002 |